Disney Rigamarole's Awesome Playlist That Is Awesome!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lines,Vines, and Trying Times~ ALBUM ART!!

Here is the supposed new album cover for the Jonas Brothers 4th Album "Lines, Vines and Trying Times". Thats coming out June 2nd. What do you guys think?? Do you guys think that they should have waited a little longer before throwing out another album? I mean what has it been, like maybe a year since they released their last album? I would have used "A Little Bit Longer" and released atleast a couple more singles and music videos before releasing another album for crying out loud! But hey I guess their over obssessed fans have listened to their 3rd abum so many stinkin times that their tired of it. So in order to keep their fan base they throw out another album... hmm maybe this makes sense.. or maybe this doesn't.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

I agree they should have done at least a music vid.